From the very beginning, Conklin has been the preferred manufacturer of our group. Top reasons we prefer Conklin Roofing Systems include 40+ year track record, non-prorated warranties, billions of sq. ft. covered, proven performance in all U.S. climates, and they have been chosen to protect roofs of major franchises.
Recently, Lester Yutzy hosted a call featuring long-time product users. Each one shared why they have never wavered in their commitment to these industry-leading roofing systems. A summary of call is outlined below.
The main reason people tend to stay loyal to Conklin is the quality of the system, and consistency of the product. Contractors have peace of mind knowing they are applying the best coating system on the market with warranties spanning as long as 18 years.
“I know that if I put the Conklin product on right, and do the project right, I can go home at night and I never have to worry that three or four years down the road it’s going to go bad or it’s going to start peeling.” –Andrew, Loyal to Conklin for 25 years.
Proven Longevity
Conklin products are proven to last. Conklin was one of the pioneers of white roofs, offering premium acrylic roofing coatings since 1977. When contractors are asked why they haven’t switched to a newer company in the reflective coatings market, the answer is simple: Conklin has a 40-year track record behind its products, and contractors have seen the quality for themselves.
“I know that Conklin has 40+ years of experience. We’ve been there, we’ve done that. We’ve been here long before any of these other guys have.” – Andrew
“We’ve been around for years, it’s not just lab testing. This is something the company has been doing out in the field for 40+ years.”- Rudy, Loyal to Conklin for 40+ years.
American Made
Conklin products are made in America with a good track record, once again assuring a quality product. The company also is not owned by a corporation like many other coating providers, and has no intent to ever sell. Having a consistent company, with the same leaders and core values year after year, ensures a consistent product.
“I’d pay more money just to be able to buy American made, and knowing that the product is good and has a track record.” – Rudy
“We’ve never had a bad batch. Every barrel, every bucket that we ever bought was consistent. It was top quality.” – David, Loyal to Conklin for 28 years.
Client Relations
Although profit is important to contractors, knowing they are providing their clients with the best possible roof is more important for long-term success. After all, the contractor’s reputation is at stake with each roof they work on. Contractors know that when it comes to choosing a system, Conklin provides the building owner with the best product for their money, and they can feel comfortable knowing they are providing their customers with a product that will last.
“I always like for the building owner to get the best deal in the end.” –David
Easy Application
The Conklin System is easy to implement. Acrylic roof coatings from Conklin are much easier to apply than other products currently on the market. Contractors know what to expect, and don’t run the risk of damaging expensive equipment in the process.
“Really nice coating to work with, you never have to worry about it setting up and messing up your equipment.” –Rudy
Getting More Information
If you’re a building owner, learn more about this well-respected manufacturer at the Conklin Roofing Systems page.
If you’re a contractor, learn about the various warranty training programs available at the Training Information & Schedule page.