Product Description
The Conklin Benchmark™ system includes a light-blue base coat and an ENERGY STAR certified top coat. By combining toughness (tensile strength), flexibility (elongation), and reflectivity, Benchmark™ delivers leak-proof, seamless, and energy-saving roofing solutions that can last for the long-term.
The Benchmark™ system is a 100% acrylic, elastomeric, and monolithic roof coating that shields roofs against harsh conditions. Both coatings are easy to clean. Benchmark ™ Top Coat:
- Protects roofs against the degradation caused by ultraviolet light, acid rains, and air pollutants
- Reflects 85% of sunrays and saves A/C energy costs
- Possesses superior dirt resistance to maintain high reflectivity
- Has a Class 4 hail rating
- Waterproofs numerous approved roof surfaces such as:
- Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF)
- MR™ System for Metal Roofs
- Conklin’s Fabric Reinforced System
- Isocyanurate Insulation Board
- Plywood
- Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
- Asphalt Built-Up Roofs only after applying the proper primer
Our group combines the quality training and products from Conklin with incredible support.
Training Programs
Lifetime Support
Benchmark ™ Top Coat is available in a bright light or light gray finish. The product has been recognized or certified by leading code organizations:
- ENERGY STAR certification for reflecting up to 85% of sunrays
- International Code Conference
- Underwriters Laboratories
- Factory Mutual
- Miami-Dade
Benchmark ™ Top Coat is designed to work in combination with:
- Benchmark ™ Base Coat
- Conklin Encase Metal Primer
- Prime Time & Prime Time Plus
Coverage Rate
- Basic application rates:
- First apply the Benchmark™ Base Coat at the rate of 1.6 gallons per 100 square feet (sq. ft.)
- Then apply Benchmark™ Top Coat at the rate of 1.6 gallons per 100 sq. ft.
- This includes a loss allowance of 15% for application and 105 for surface texture
- Use extra coatings for highly irregular roofing substrates
- The coatings must cover the entire roof as an unbroken, continuous film with a minimum dry thickness of 13.5 mils per coat
- If you are using granules, embed them with a second top coat at the rate of:
- 0 gallon per 100 sq. ft. for Roofing Granules
- 50 pounds (lbs) per 100 sq. ft. for Quartz Granules
Guidelines for the application of Benchmark™ Base Coat and Benchmark™ Top Coat:
- Make sure that the personnel using the products have thoroughly read and understood the safety data sheet
- Personnel spraying the coatings must use a NIOSH-approved mist / dust mask
- Ensure the personnel are also wearing other, proper personal protective equipment (PPE) because the products:
- Contain chemicals recognized by the State of California as ones that can cause cancer, reproductive disorders, and birth defects
- Are harmful when swallowed
- May cause irritation for skin, eyes, and respiratory system
- Mix completely with themselves before use (i.e. mix Benchmark™ Base Coat with itself in the container before use)
- Do not mix Benchmark™ Base Coat with Benchmark™ Top Coat.
- Do not mix or dilute Benchmark coating with other solvents, liquids, and substances
- Before applying, make sure the surface is:
- Solid, dry, and structurally sound
- Free of impurities that prevent proper adhesion viz. contaminants, chips of roofing and other material, dirt, moisture, wax, and grease
- For application on certain surfaces and decks, you will have to establish / install special drains, roofing vents, positive slope to drain, vapour retarders, flashings, and expansion joints
- Temperature and Moisture guidelines:
- Ambient temperature must be between 40°F and 100°F
- Relative humidity must be below 80%
- Surface temperature should be at least 5°F above dew point but less than 120°F
- Avoid applying during inclement weather
- The surface / roof where you apply the coating should have:
- Less than 36 sq. ft. of water in any area with a depth of ¼-inch or more at a time of 48 hours after rains
- Less than 5% of the total surface area under bird baths (i.e. tiny amounts of water on roofs that are irrelevant and evaporate quickly)
- Preparations to rapidly drain away the water
- Zero ponding water if the surface is polyurethane foam
- Dispose product in a manner that complies with local, state, and federal regulations
Storage Requirements
- Store the coatings at a cool location that is:
- Above 40°F
- Protected from freezing
- Out of reach of children
- Close containers tightly after use