“To Whom It May Concern: Five Star Roofing with Choice Roof Contractor Group installed foam roofing with acrylic coating on two of my motels over three years ago. We have been averaging $600-$700 per month saving on our heating/cooling bills. There has been no leaks with this roofing system. We highly recommend their work and their service is exceptional!”
“I’m excited that I’m training new contractors on a roof today. It’s a blessing that I’m able to pass my knowledge on to others. It’s an awesome feeling to help contractors who want to learn. I feel I’m the winner when I see others succeed in what I’ve taught them. Being a part of Choice Roof Contractor Group is the best business decision that I’ve ever made. Not only has it made my business succeed, it’s gave me the opportunity to make others succeed as well. Have a great day everyone.”
“Our Conklin roof has been performing really well for 20 years. There are leaks springing up now though (about 10 years after the warranty period ended). We know putting a Conklin coating system on again is the way we want to go. We were really surprised to see it last so long.”
“I have been doing coating systems for a few years now, but now have 3 Conklin jobs under my belt. LOVE… THIS… SYSTEM. Holy cats this is the Ferrari of roof coatings. I’ve installed others and they are not as extensive. Until now I thought, ‘I’m not sharing any of this info with other guys. Why would I want competition?’ But the truth of the matter is there’s plenty of work out there for more guys. I’ve seen a lot of bad companies installing product wrong and a lot of well-intentioned good companies just not knowing. I’m a huge advocate of training. Train my guys, train my management team, and train myself. Conklin is also big on training. You will learn not only the right way to do it, but tricks of the trade and ways to sell and market, and build your bottom line.”
“Had a great time! Awesome event! Highly recommend Choice Roof Contractors for expanding business! Learned a lot! Was impressed by quality of information, people and how it will impact my business! Glad I was invited to this event!”
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