5 Reasons Ponding Water is a Problem
More than just an eyesore, ponding water is truly a hazardous condition to any flat roof system. Left unchecked, it will ultimately lead to system failure.
More than just an eyesore, ponding water is truly a hazardous condition to any flat roof system. Left unchecked, it will ultimately lead to system failure.
If your roof is damaged and needs to be taken care of, you might want to consider restoring it rather than replacing the entire roof. Many commercial property owners have benefitted greatly from opting to restore their existing roofs with a Conklin coating. Here are some of the benefits of roof coatings: Lower expenses: Everyone […]
The following blog consists of brief descriptions of the most common types of roof decks encountered, their particular strengths, liabilities and suitability for coating with Conklin roofing systems. To learn why Choice Roof Contractor Group and its commercial roof contractors exclusively use Conklin for all projects, visit the following page: The Conklin Difference. Steel Decks […]
White roofs are becoming quite popular these days as they come with a number of benefits. As we all know, energy conservation is a serious issue and it is important to find eco-friendly ways to build homes, commercial buildings, etc. White roofs keep roof temperatures low and can help you save money and energy. The […]
Conklin® has numerous great roofing products that can help extend the life of a commercial roofing system. One of the premier roofing systems is called Rapid Roof III, and it lives up to its name. It allows contractors to quickly apply an entire roof coating that adds years of added protection to the roof in […]