We’re currently halfway through the first day of Conklin’s product training at their Kansas City headquarters and having a great time with 9 different individuals who came out from as far as Florida to meet us personally and join our nationwide group of commercial roof contractors.
Five of the individuals came in around noon yesterday already to spend extra time with our team. After getting everyone checked in at the motel, we headed out to Gates Bar-B-Q for some of the best ribs in Kansas City. Everyone had a blast. After getting back to the hotel, most of the contractors hung out in the lobby and we talked about everything we do to help contractors.
Two other contractors arrived later in the day, so to get them up to speed, we went to a different restaurant and had some more great Kansas City food while getting to know each other well. It was well after 11pm before we wrapped things up, but still have a lot more to cover.
Discussions so far have included the following:
• Best ways to correct a roofing system that was incorrectly installed
• The longest-lasting, leak-proofing methods for unique circumstances
• History of the Conklin Company and our experience with their products
• The best marketing strategies for getting started quickly and cost-effectively
• How Choice Roof Contractor Group got started and the success we’re seeing
• Open discussions between the attending contractors on pricing and sales strategies
• What motivated them to take the trip out to Kansas City and join our network
• The on-site assistance we provide after roof systems training when it’s needed
We’ll share a full update later!